英语名词用法攻略:轻松学语法第三课例:1. Harry and Bill's father is a scientist. (Harry和Bill的父亲是一位科学家。)◎共同所有格及个别所有格◎字尾非S的复数名词→名词's例:children's playground (小孩的游乐园) women's activities (女性的活动)特别注意的所有格用法
例:the boy's schoolbag (男孩的书包) Joan's dress (Joan的洋装)
例:a girls' school (一所女校) these students' teacher (这些学生的老师)
例:children's playground (小孩的游乐园) women's activities (女性的活动)
例:1. Harry and Bill's father is a scientist. (Harry和Bill的父亲是一位科学家。)
2. Harry's and Bill's fathers are scientists. (Harry和Bill的父亲都是科学家。)
◎(无)生物所有格:A的B→B of A
例:1. 桌子的脚
the legs of the table
2. 车门(车子的门)
the door of the car
3. 女孩的名字
the girl's name
the name of the girl
例:1. She's going to the dentist's. (她要去看牙。)
2. I met him at barber's. (我在理发院遇到他。)
3. We like to eat lunch at McDonald's. (我们喜欢去麦当劳吃午餐。)