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外贸客户要下单需要确认什么(外贸客户说考虑考虑)Wishing you have the most beautiful days there~Dear Customer但是话术还是要有的:(以下仅供参考)1. 可以以退为进, 先问出原因, 再去问客户是否解决了这些问题,他的订单就可以下来。一步步去推导,让客户自己说服自己下单。2. 要用利他的思维贯穿全程:看看我们能够提供怎样的帮助给到他,这样客户可以放下他的抗拒和我们有一个很好的沟通。后面的成交就看我们能不能够满足客户的需求,解决他的问题了。







1. 可以以退为进, 先问出原因, 再去问客户是否解决了这些问题,他的订单就可以下来。一步步去推导,让客户自己说服自己下单。

2. 要用利他的思维贯穿全程:看看我们能够提供怎样的帮助给到他,这样客户可以放下他的抗拒和我们有一个很好的沟通。后面的成交就看我们能不能够满足客户的需求,解决他的问题了。

Dear Customer

Wishing you have the most beautiful days there~

You are such a sincere and nice person. I think we have talked quite clearly about your XXX project either we will have a pleasant cooperation or we may just miss each other. But I really would like to work with you for any chance so would you please just tell me all your concerns or requirements in one time? ^_^;

Let's put aside our possible cooperation I know that our company's products can not be suitable for all clients. We both have spent a lot of time and made a lot of efforts in this project which we all hope to make it more valuable right? And I think you also recognize me as professional sales with more than XX years experience which I may not work for this long if we are not good enough. ; ) Maybe we have something isn't good enough for you at the stage. Would you do me a favor I need a clue of the truth from you which can help me as your Chinese little sister grow in my sales career. I am not going to ignore you or just force you to buy if you don't have a good reason. haha. I will definitely try my best to work on it to the direction you want. Though I can't be 100% guaranteed to reach your requirements.

(这一段酌情看是否需要?) I will definitely try to offer the best price for your XXX project but I believe both of us can only make money from our sincere and long-term cooperation right? Please do trust that we are not the one who only pursues profits but we have to keep offering the most cost-effective pricing、best guaranteed quality and most valuable full services which are the main reasons you can trust we are reliable that is why you would keep buying from us in long-term and strategic cooperation like our other regular clients right? So at this moment I do really need your any help from your side. ; )

Much appreciated if you can offer openly with any further feedback we are open to any new ideas or concerns that you may have at any time?

Looking forward to your kind and earlier reply at your convenience.

With heart

Yours faithfully

