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英汉句子翻译,英汉对照韵味才气Charm杜子美、李太白、韩退之三人,才力俱不可及,而就其中退之喜崛奇之态,太白多天仙之词,退之犹可学,太白不可及也。“Dogs bark in deep lanes and roosters crow atop mulberry trees” and “In leisure picking chrysanthemum under the fence east of my home and watching the mountains in the south” such are Tao Yuanming’s poems that cannot be composed unless a poet lives in great freedom and peace although the things in the scene are of everyday life in front of an



Of all the poets there are some with unattainable accomplishments Cao Zijian in charm Tao Yuanming in taste Li Taibai and Han Tuizhi in genius and Du Zimei in sublimity in moral conception.


Literatures are different today and in the past. Zhong Rong believed in his Critique of Poetic Grades that ancient poetry was the best and Cao Zijian just second to it. And this is a truthful comment.


“Bright Moon Shines on Towering Mansion” “Soaring Tower Has More Sorrowful Wind” “There’s a Beauty in Southern Lands” “Fleeting Wind Floats the White Sun” and “Had Audience with Emperor at the Wing to the Hall of Receiving Brightness” such are Cao Zijian’s poems that have sonorous sounds and rhythms in their rise and fall and elegant pure and peaceful style. The lines read like tunes played with metal and jade instruments. The words show no pressing in expression and meaning emerges just unknowingly. These poems are of the same standard as the 305 poems in the Book of Poetry although they are composed in different epochs. This is why Cao’s charm is unattainable.


“Dogs bark in deep lanes and roosters crow atop mulberry trees” and “In leisure picking chrysanthemum under the fence east of my home and watching the mountains in the south” such are Tao Yuanming’s poems that cannot be composed unless a poet lives in great freedom and peace although the things in the scene are of everyday life in front of anyone’s eyes. This is why Tao’s taste is unattainable.


Du Zimei Li Taibai and Han Tuizhi these three poets have unattainable genius. And among them Han Tuizhi loved strange and peculiar style while Li Taibai wrote many poems about immortals in heaven. People may learn and reach Han Tuizhi’s level but Li Taibai is absolutely unreachable.


And Du Zimei was totally different. His poetic conception was even greater than Cao Zijian and Liu Gonggan. None could rival him in this respect. For example when he was sent back to Fuzhou he wrote “The time was hard And the imperial court and the country both have no time for leisure. I felt ashamed of living in imperial generosity and privilege when an edict allowed me to return to my straw and bamboo hut”; …. All these are subtle euphemistic righteous and decorous. As Confucius put it “poetry can be used to inspire to observe to socialize to complain and to serve both father at the near side and monarch at the far side.”


——Zhang Jie Poetic Commentaries at the Hall of Yearly Freeze

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