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山水设计空间:青水空间设计飞逸视觉摄影工作室设计海洋, 星空,水波,壁桓,我们开始一场回归自然的梦幻旅行……“Photographer is a traveler, shuttled between the difficult bipolar travel of subjective and objective, as long as needed, you can stop anywhere to explore the unknown territory” by Eikoh Hosoe希望在空间中折射出不同摄影大师的作品,就像一种影子或者思绪,哪怕是一瞬间,将他们对光,空间,自然,色彩的捕捉和艺术化能呈现在这样一个摄影工作室中。It is hoped the works of different masters of photography are reflected in the space, like a shadow or t


“I would photograph an idea rather than an object, a dream rather than an idea.” ——by Man Ray


当十年前第一次看见蜷川实花和James casebere的作品,我被惊艳了……而这种记忆一直在我脑海,直到遇见这样一次项目机会——飞逸视觉摄影工作室设计!

When I first saw the work of Ninagawa Mika and James Casebere ten years ago, I was amazed. And this memory has been in my mind until I was offered such a project opportunIty – Designing the Feiyi Vision Photography Studio!


It is hoped the works of different masters of photography are reflected in the space, like a shadow or thought, even if it is a moment, their capture and artistic aspects of light, space, nature, and color can be presented in such a photography studio.


“Photographer is a traveler, shuttled between the difficult bipolar travel of subjective and objective, as long as needed, you can stop anywhere to explore the unknown territory” by Eikoh Hosoe

海洋, 星空,水波,壁桓,我们开始一场回归自然的梦幻旅行……

Ocean, starry sky, water waves, walls…… we begin a dreamy journey back to nature.


入口空间Entrance space


The ocean is the origin of life, the entrance takes the reference to the works of Ninagawa Mika by setting up acrylic window, to create a romantic atmosphere.



走廊空间Corridor space


The starry sky is the beginning of a dream, looking up at the stars is the exploration and curiosity of the nature and unknown world, Wolfgang Tillmans‘s starry photography is the best capture of nature by art, in the designed, mini-lights are embed as the star symbols into ceiling.

