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英语形容词词组的类型:英语句式翻译训练That is a dog lying on the ground is mine.We got the order to leave the city,我知道这部冯小刚导演的电影你可以问我有关这一次考试的问题那个穿粉色连衣裙的可爱的的女孩是我刚从大学毕业的妹妹

六大类别: 不定式短语、分词短语、介词短语、定语从句、形容词短语、同位语从句








We got the order to leave the city,

That is a dog lying on the ground is mine.

I know this film directed by FXG.

You can ask me the questions about this exam.

You can ask me the questions on this exam.

The lovely girl wearing a pink dress is my sister who just graduate from university.



表示“即将来要做的事情” 表示“功能”

The letter to be written is to my father.

The matter to be discussed is important.



I'm looking for a room to live in. 我正在寻找一个房间住进去。

I need a piece of paper to write on. 我需要一张纸来写字。

修饰something nothing anything等不定代词

Do you have something to eat?

Do you have anything to say? 你有什么要说的吗?

there is nothing to worry about. 没什么可担心的。

修饰the only /the first/the next等限定性的代词(精准定位代词)

The only person to be late 唯一迟到的人

the best man to do the job 做这项工作的最佳人选

the first one to think of the idea 第一个想到这个想法的人

The last time to come to the meeting 最后一次参加的会议

the next person to arrive 下一个到达的人

修饰 Ability/attempt/chance/ decision/desire/plan/ambition/need/intention/reason/Right/ Way/ wish/ time 等抽象名词

his ability to do the job他完成工作的能力

an attempt to cut costs 削减开支的尝试

the chance to go abroad出国的机会

the decision to resign 辞职的决定

her desire to speak fluent English 说流利英语的愿望

a plan to travel around Japan环游日本的计划

his ambition to become a scientist. 他的成为一名科学家的渴望

the need to apologize to him向他道歉的需要

his intention to retire 他的退休的打算

no reason to adopt what she said没有采纳她所说的话的理由(没有理由采纳她说的话)

no right to do so无权这样做

the order to leave the city离开城市的命令

her wish to have a family 她想有个家的希望 (她希望有个家)

the way to work out this problem 解决这个问题的方法

no time to rest没有时间休息

the way to improve your pronunciation提高发音的方法

the chance to go to Tsinghua University有机会去清华大学

the chance to study in Tsinghua University 在清华大学学习的机会

the wish to visit France访问法国的愿望

the wish to travel in France

to tendency to go up( go down) 上涨(下降)的趋势

the decision to study science(arts) 学习理科(文科)的决定

the next train to arrive下一班到达的火车

the first man to get up 第一个起床的人

the most suitable person to do the job做这项工作最合适的人选

lots of stuff to buy

a lot of things to buy

lots of things to buy


The boy singing in the classroom

The girl clearing the room

The man swimming in the river

The people living in London生活在伦敦的人们

The woman sitting on the chair

The kid standing at the gate站在门口的孩子

The kid sitting behind me坐在我身后的孩子

The room facing south朝南的房间

The man riding a bike骑自行车的男人

The man wearing blue shirt (in blue shirt) 穿着蓝色衬衫的男人

The girl wearing a lot of makeups化了浓妆的女孩

The woman wearing perfume(抹香水的女人)

The teacher working at GSX

The man smoking at the canteen(食堂)

The people coming back from abroad从国外回来的人

The beggar lying on the ground躺在地上的乞丐

The parents waiting at the school gate

The mother cooking dinner

The supermarket located at the city center位于市中心的超市

The experience gained form the game从游戏中获得的经验

The meeting held yesterday昨天举行的会议

The book written by MoYan莫言写的书

The people invited to the meeting受邀参加会议的人员

The breakfast cooked by my mum妈妈做的早餐

The man called Tom那个叫汤姆的男人

The river polluted by the factory被工厂污染的河流

The time spend on Ticktock.

The old man infected by COVID-19感染新冠的老人

The restaurant opened last month上个月开业的餐厅

The bridge built before hundreds of years ago

The bridge built before centuries ago几百年前建造的桥梁

The stuff bought online网上买的东西

The question raised by students学生提出的问题

The book recommended by the teacher老师推荐的书

The wall painted blue


The people in the room

everyone in my family

everyone in my House

the girl in a red cup

the bird in the tree

the apples on the tree

the girl in white dress

The man at the door

the man in front of the door

the life in the future

the manager in charge of the project负责这个项目的经理

The books on the desk

the map on the wall

the apples on the tree

the pictures on the right/left

the development of the China

the quality of the meal

the quality of the food

the way to school

the flight to America

the trunk of the tree

The Asian country with a history of 5000 years

The little girl with big eyes

A long sentence with over 100 words

the girl with the pig tail

the desk by the window

the House by the lake

the reporter from America

the technology from abroad

the news about the exam

the news on the exam

The questions about her privacy

The questions on her privacy











the books that we like /the books we like

the coat that you need /the coat you need

the meeting that you missed/the meeting you missed

the cake that you bought yesterday/the cake you bought yesterday

the necklace that you want/ the necklace you want

the trees that we planted last year/ The trees we planted last year

the gym to which he often goes/ the gym that he often goes to

the speed at which you drive the car


The girl who helped me in learning English

the old man who lost his way

The teacher who taught me knowledge

The boy who likes working out 喜欢锻炼(健身)的男孩

the woman whom we want to visit我们想拜访的女人

the girl whom I met in the bar我在酒吧遇到的那个女孩

the girl whose mother is an influence妈妈是网红的那个女孩

The boy whose leg was bitten by the dog腿被狗咬伤的男孩











That day when I met her

the year when I was in America

the moment when I heard the news

the place where I met her

the store where I bought the T-shirt

the town where I spend my childhood

the reason why we broke up

The reason why I left Beijing

the reason why I signed up for your courses








The way in which you smile/you smile in this way

the way you smile

the way you speak

the way you study English

The first time I came to Beijing

the 3rd time I came to see you

every time I go abroad
