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学习并总结主谓一致的语法规则(Subject-verbAgreement主谓一致)★ The percentage of employees who called in sick and the number of employees who left their jobs within 2 years are reflective of the level of job satisfaction.★ 英语和汉语是完全不同的语言。★ Gold and silver are precious metals.★ 金、银是贵金属。★ English and Chinese are quite different languages.




When the subject of a sentence composing of two or more nouns or pronouns is connected by AND or BOTH…AND… take a plural verb:


★ Gold and silver are precious metals.

★ 金、银是贵金属。

★ English and Chinese are quite different languages.

★ 英语和汉语是完全不同的语言。

★ The percentage of employees who called in sick and the number of employees who left their jobs within 2 years are reflective of the level of job satisfaction.

★ 请病假的员工比例以及两年内离职人数均反映了员工对工作的满意程度。

★ Both rice and cotton grow in abundance in this part of China.

★ 中国的这一地区盛产大米和棉花。

★ Both Andy and Cathy work at the hospital.

★ 安迪和凯西都在医院工作。

Whenever the subject linking by AND indicates an idiomatic or a unified subject in meaning the subject group remains singular.


★ If law and order is not preserved neither the citizen nor his property is safe.

★ 如果法律和秩序得不到维护,公民及其财产就不会安全。(同一概念)

★ War and peace is a constant theme in history.

★ 战争与和平是历史永恒的主题。(同一概念)

★ Whisky and soda is always my favorite drink.

★ 威士忌加苏打总是最合我的口味。(同一事物)

★ Bread and butter is good for breakfast.

★ 黄油面包是不错的早餐。(同一事物)

★ This composer and singer was well received by the audience.

★ 这位作曲家兼歌手受到了听众的认可。(并列主语为同一人)

★ The linebacker and captain of the team has been selected most valuable player.

★ 这个队的中后卫兼队长被选为最有价值的球员。(并列主语为同一人)

★ His warm admirer and severest critic was his wife.

★ 他妻子是他最热心的崇拜者和最严厉的批评者。(并列主语为同一人)

Two nouns qualified by EACH…AND EACH EVERY…AND EVERY NO…AND NO…require a singular verb.


★ Every girl and every boy was given a packet of chocolate.

★ 每个女孩和每个男孩都得到了一包巧克力。

★ Every eventuality and every possibility was being taking into account.

★ 每种结果和每种可能性都要考虑。

★ Each boy and each girl is congratulated.

★ 祝贺每一个男孩和女孩。

★ Each book and each paper is found in its place.

★ 每本书和每份报纸各居其位。

★ No teacher and no student was present.

★ 没有一个老师和学生出席。

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