詹皇祝贺勇士(太阳亲自拒绝第一杀神)“我认为我绝不会走。媒体可以报道他们的意见,但我得说,我唯一关注的就是如何做到最好。即使我被交易到中国,我也会坦然接受这个现实,然后打好球。”约什-杰克逊承认。(Coming in I didn’t know what was going to happen I still don’t know what is going to happen. I’m going to make the most of whatever situation I’m presented with. If I’m traded to China whatever I’m gonna come out I’m gonna be happy just try to make the best of it.)“老实说,我不知道结果,但我认为球队没有送走我的打算。”最后约什-杰克逊给出了自己的态度。但如果
北京时间8月14日,欧文彻底没机会去太阳了。今日美国权威媒体《NBC》给出了最终结论,因为太阳高层已经亲口告知约什-杰克逊,决不会把他送走。(Call it “what if Lebron leaves” insurance. Which is why when the Cavaliers talked to the Suns the name of Jackson — the No. 4 pick who showed athleticism and promise at Summer League — came up. The Suns have since told Jackson he would not be traded.)
此前媒体报道,太阳仍然对欧文充满兴趣,他们希望用布莱德索 新秀 明年选秀权的筹码带来欧文,但骑士已经多次表示,不拿约什-杰克逊和德文-布克中的一个,交易就没得谈。(Call it “what if Lebron leaves” insurance. Which is why when the Cavaliers talked to the Suns the name of Jackson — the No. 4 pick who showed athleticism and promise at Summer League)
此前媒体报道,布克是不可能被交易的,今日,太阳方面又亲口告知约什-杰克逊,球队已经将他列为了非卖品。“球队告诉过我,他们没有在任何交易中送走的想法,我很高兴听到这个。”约什-杰克逊表示。(The Phoenix Suns will NOT include Josh Jackson in any trade for Kyrie Irving.Josh Jackson hasn’t even played in an NBA game and his name has become the focus of trade talks.The Cleveland Cavaliers’ top priority in the kings’ ransom they are asking is a top young prospect. Call it “what if Lebron leaves” insurance. )
“如果真的存在交易,我想应该早就发生了,而不是拖到现在。我与我的经纪人有过一些交流,他告诉我,不要去相信媒体上的报道,因为这种方式显然是行不通的。”约什-杰克逊直言。(I think if that was going to happen it would’ve happened by now. A little talking to my agent not really checking social media because that’s not the way to go. People just say whatever. I handled it the same way I tried to handle Draft Night. )
“我认为我绝不会走。媒体可以报道他们的意见,但我得说,我唯一关注的就是如何做到最好。即使我被交易到中国,我也会坦然接受这个现实,然后打好球。”约什-杰克逊承认。(Coming in I didn’t know what was going to happen I still don’t know what is going to happen. I’m going to make the most of whatever situation I’m presented with. If I’m traded to China whatever I’m gonna come out I’m gonna be happy just try to make the best of it.)
“老实说,我不知道结果,但我认为球队没有送走我的打算。”最后约什-杰克逊给出了自己的态度。但如果他不走,骑士也不会交出欧文。因此,快船小乔丹 贝弗利可能会是骑士最终的选择,身边喜迎两大铁闸,还有一个是最喜欢的小兄弟?这也是勒布朗-詹姆斯最愿看到的结果,但勇士对此肯定不会开心。(I was kind of in the dark a little bit. But I got a feeling that the trade wasn’t going to happen.In theory the trade could still happen but so long as the Cavaliers demand Jackson it is off the table. The Suns might be willing to throw in Dragan Bender instead of Jackson but that will not get it done for the Cavaliers.)