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route高中英语单词记忆技巧(中考易混淆单词)她经常在周六的晚上看电视 She often watches TV on Sunday evening .read 看(书、报纸) 指阅读 Look at the dog , it’s so cute .看那只狗,它是如此的可爱。I see a bird in the tree .我在书上看见了一只鸟


look see watch read

look 看(强调动作) Look at sb/sth

see 看见(强调的结果)

watch观看 注视(电视、比赛)

read 看(书、报纸) 指阅读

Look at the dog , it’s so cute .看那只狗,它是如此的可爱。

I see a bird in the tree .我在书上看见了一只鸟

She often watches TV on Sunday evening .


My little brother doesn’t like reading a book .




说谎 lie (规则) lied lied lying (ie变y再加ing) n. 谎言 tell a lie 说谎

躺 lie (不规则) lay lain lying (存在、位于)

下蛋 lay (不规则) laid laid laying (放置put/产卵)

1. 昨天你对我撒谎了。

You lied to me yesterday .


You should lie down and have a rest .


Our school lies in the east of this city .


The hen is laying now .

5. 他把钱放到桌子上就离开了。

He laid the money on the table and left .

sleep/asleep/sleepy/sleeping 辨析

sleep v. 睡觉 slept slept sleeping sleep well 睡得好

n. 睡眠 have a good sleep 有一个好的睡眠

Did you sleep well last night ? 昨天你睡得好吗?

= Did you have a good sleep last night ?

asleep adj. 睡着的,fall asleep 入睡/睡着(表动作) be asleep 睡着 (表状态)

作表语 She fell asleep I didn’t wake her up .


作宾补 The teacher found Tom asleep in class.


sleepy adj. 困倦的 ,feel sleepy 感到困倦

作表语 I felt sleepy all day . 我整天都犯困。

作定语 “贪睡的” I don’t like the sleepy dog . 我不喜欢那只贪睡的狗。

sleeping sleep的现在分词 adj. 正在睡觉的,睡着的,供睡觉用的, 作定语 a sleeping bag 一个睡袋 some sleeping pills一些安眠药

一个睡着的男孩 a sleeping boy . 不能用 an asleep boy asleep不能作定语

Please take good care of the sleeping baby .


no one /nothing/none辨析

1.no one /nobody 没有人 指人,谓语动词单数,不接 Of 短语

No one /Nobody knows . 没有人知道。

I knocked at the door but no one /nobody answered .我敲门了,但是没人回应。

一般回答 who anyone anybody 引起的问句 .

Who is in the classroom? No one /Nobody 没有人

Is there anyone/anybody on the playground ? No one /Nobody 没有人

2. none 什么也没有,一个也没有 指人/物,接 Of 短语


None of the food was left .没有食物被留下。

None of the books is/are cheap. 没有一本书是便宜的。

一般回答 how many / how much/ any 名词 引起的问句

How many books do you have ? None 一本也没有

How much milk in the fridge ? None 一点也没有

Is there any water in the cup ? None 一点也没有

3. nothing 什么也没有 指物,谓语动词用单数,不接 Of 短语

There is nothing in the fridge .冰箱什么也没有。

一般回答 what anything 引起的问句

What’s in the fridge ? Nothing 什么也没有。

Is there anything in the sky ? Nothing 什么也没有。

