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pep五年级下unit2read and write(PEP五年级下册Unit2第17页详解)

pep五年级下unit2read and write(PEP五年级下册Unit2第17页详解)② 四季表达: spring春天; summer 夏天; autumn 秋天; winter 冬天① Which...do you like best? 你最喜欢哪一个...?这是本单元的重点句型。例如:Which colour do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个颜色?2. —Yes. I like autumn best. The weather is good and the colours are beautiful! 是的。我喜欢秋天,天气很好而且颜色也都很美!① I like...best. 我最喜欢... ,例如:I like English best. 我最喜欢英语。② The colours are beautiful. 颜色很漂亮。此处colours为复数形式,后面be动词用are。3. —Which season do you like best Mis

1. —Hello Miss White. Look at my picture. 您好,怀特老师。请看我的画。

—Good job! I like the trees. The colours are very pretty! 做得好!我喜欢这些树。颜色也都非常漂亮!

① look at 看着;表达动作。例如:Look at the blackboard. 看黑板

② good job 做得好;用来对别人做过的事情表达认可和赞扬。完整形式为“You did a good job”,意思为:“你做的很棒”

2. —Yes. I like autumn best. The weather is good and the colours are beautiful! 是的。我喜欢秋天,天气很好而且颜色也都很美!

① I like...best. 我最喜欢... ,例如:I like English best. 我最喜欢英语。② The colours are beautiful. 颜色很漂亮。此处colours为复数形式,后面be动词用are。

3. —Which season do you like best Miss White? 怀特老师,您最喜欢那个季节?—Summer. 夏天。

① Which...do you like best? 你最喜欢哪一个...?这是本单元的重点句型。例如:Which colour do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个颜色?

② 四季表达: spring春天; summer 夏天; autumn 秋天; winter 冬天

pep五年级下unit2read and write(PEP五年级下册Unit2第17页详解)(1)
