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arduino直流电机制作教程(利用直流电机制作简易风扇)当我们旋转RotaryEncoder模块时会获得一个数字量,通过左转和右转可以使这个数字量增大或减少,我们读取这个数字量把他转化成风扇的三个档位,该模块还有一个按下的开关,当开关被按下。就会开启摇头功能,直到下一次被按下。工作原理:一个舵机一个 RotaryEncoder模块线路图:


夏日炎炎,如果没有一丝自然风,那只能自己创造啦! 运用手头的道具制作一个具有调速和摇头功能的简易风扇,利用Arduino控制直流电机来实现扇叶的转动,可随意控制岂不乐哉。





一个 RotaryEncoder模块






/*********************************************************** File name: _26_DCMotorModule.ino Description: The state of DC motor includes its forward reverse acceleration deceleration and stop. And you will see the data on the Serial monitor Website: www.adeept.com E-mail: support@adeept.com Author: Tom Date: 2017/03/18 ***********************************************************/ #include<Servo.h> const int DC_APin = 10; //DC motor module A pin connected to digital 11 pin const int DC_BPin = 11; //DC motor module B pin connected to digital 10 pin int DCmotorSpeed = 60; //motor speed 0~255 const int APin= 2; //Set the digital 2 to A pin const int BPin= 3; //Set the digital 3 to B pin const int SPin= 4 ;//Set the digital 4 to S pin int i=1; int encoderVal = 0; int angle = 90; Servo s1; int flag = LOW; int flag_1 = 0; int getRotaryEncoder(void) { static int oldA = HIGH; //set the oldA as HIGH static int oldB = HIGH; //set the oldB as HIGH int result = 0; int newA = digitalRead(APin); //read the value of APin to newA int newB = digitalRead(BPin); //read the value of BPin to newB if (newA != oldA || newB != oldB)//if the value of APin or the BPin has changed { if (oldA == HIGH && newA == LOW)// something has changed { result = (oldB * 2 - 1); } } oldA = newA; oldB = newB; return result; } void clockwise(int Speed) //the function to drive motor rotate clockwise { analogWrite(DC_APin Speed); //set the speed of motor analogWrite(DC_BPin 0); //stop the B pin of motor } void counterclockwise(int Speed) //the function to drive motor rotate counterclockwise { analogWrite(DC_APin 0); //stop the A pin of motor analogWrite(DC_BPin Speed); //set the speed of motor } void setup() { pinMode(DC_APin OUTPUT); //initialize the A pin as output pinMode(DC_BPin OUTPUT); //initialize the B pin as output pinMode(APin INPUT);//initialize the A pin as input pinMode(BPin INPUT);//initialize the B pin as input pinMode(SPin INPUT);//initialize the S pin as input s1.attach(A4); s1.write(angle); analogWrite(DC_APin 0); analogWrite(DC_BPin 0); Serial.begin(115200); //opens serial port sets data rate to 9600 bps } int j; void loop() { int change = getRotaryEncoder(); encoderVal = encoderVal - change; if(encoderVal>=72){ encoderVal = 72; } if(encoderVal<=0){ encoderVal = 0; DCmotorspeed = 0; } if(encoderVal>0&&encoderVal<24) DCmotorspeed = 60; if(encoderVal>24&&encoderVal<48) DCmotorspeed = 80; if(encoderVal>48&&encoderVal<72) DCmotorspeed = 120; if(digitalRead(SPin) == LOW) flag = !flag; if(i!=encoderVal){ Serial.write(encoderVal); i = encoderVal; } counterclockwise(DCmotorspeed); s1.write(angle); j ; if(flag &&j > 500) { j = 0; if(flag_1 == 0) { angle =3; } else { angle -=3; } if(angle > 150) { flag_1 = 1; } if(angle < 30) { flag_1 = 0; } Serial.print(angle); } }
