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伦敦广播如何收听,意见不一但星火燎原捷克共和国、法国等国被认为是数字广播推进的“菜鸟”。在法国,有大量的数字广播服务的扩张需求,今年年初,法国公共广播公司关闭了旗下中波广播传输服务,并将投资重点转移到数字播出平台。Countries including the Czech Republic and France are considered "Newbies". In France there has been a major expansion of DAB services with French public broadcasters moving their investment to digital platforms following the cessation of Medium Wave transmissions at the beginning of this year.The study fol


Digital Radio progress report published


The EBU has published the first edition of a yearly report on digital radio highlighting how it is being rolled out across European countries.


The study follows a year of significant new developments taking place in the digital radio market. These include the launch of digital radio in three new countries in Europe in the past year with a fourth in the pipeline as well as the announcement of FM switch-off in Norway in 2017.



According to the EBU which represents European public service broadcasters in EU and non-EU countries Denmark Norway Switzerland and the UK are "leaders" in the roll-out of DAB digital radio. After Norway Switzerland is likely to become the next country to move from FM to DAB. The report notes that a new multichannel strategy from Danish broadcaster DR resulted in the first increase in radio consumption in decades.

Countries including the Czech Republic and France are considered "Newbies". In France there has been a major expansion of DAB services with French public broadcasters moving their investment to digital platforms following the cessation of Medium Wave transmissions at the beginning of this year.


But Sweden has recently decided against the roll-out of DAB services preferring to keep to FM. Turkey and Spain are among the countries categorised in the "wait and see" section with regards to DAB although first DAB transmissions have hit the airwaves in Turkey.


EBU senior analyst David Fernández Quijada said:

欧洲广播联盟高级分析师David Fernández Quijada指出:

“The report is an example of the EBU’s continuous support for Digital Radio not only towards its Members but to the radio industry as a whole."


"As highlighted through some of the case studies in the report collaboration among stakeholders is crucial to keeping radio a modern medium.”

