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新概念英语第一册第24课笔记(新概念英语第一册第25)electric adj. 带电的,可通电的 electric chair 电椅 an electric cooker电炉子right n. 右边 on the right 在右边(静态);turn/go to the right 往右边(动态)Mrs. 夫人 通常是指已婚的妇女kitchen n. 厨房 in the kitchenrefrigerator n. 电冰箱 fridge 电冰箱 icebox ['aisbɔks] 冰柜 refrigerator car 冷藏车

Lesson 25 Mrs. Smith's Kitchen




Mrs. 夫人 通常是指已婚的妇女

kitchen n. 厨房 in the kitchen

refrigerator n. 电冰箱 fridge 电冰箱 icebox ['aisbɔks] 冰柜 refrigerator car 冷藏车

right n. 右边 on the right 在右边(静态);turn/go to the right 往右边(动态)

electric adj. 带电的,可通电的 electric chair 电椅 an electric cooker电炉子

electricity 电流 电 电学 电力 -ity 表属性的抽象名词后缀

Do you use electricity for cooking? 你用电做饭吗?

left n. 左边

cooker n. 炉子,炊具(做饭用的工具,注意厨师是cook)cook n. 厨师 v. 烹调 煮 伪造

Chef 职业厨师 I love cooking. a cooking book n. 烹饪

Middle n. 中间 mid adj.中央的 中部的 中间的

midterm期中(考试)midday 正午 midclass 中产阶级 class 等级,分类 in broad daylight 大白天,光天化日

of prep.(属于)……的 in the middle of night/day/room

room n. 房间 classroom bedroom where is the meeting room?


There is no more room. 这儿没有什么空间了。

cup n. 杯子

★cooker n. 炉子,炊具


★nowhere ad. 任何地方都不 n. 不知道的地方 无处

That kind of talk will get you nowhere. 说那种话对你没好处。

We're nowhere near doing that. 但是我们还没到那种地步。

My pen is nowhere to be found. 哪儿也找不到我的钢笔。

in the middle of nowhere 周围为什么都没有 (前不着村,后不着店)


Mrs. Smith's kitchen is small.

英文中许多family names都来自于其祖上从事的职业

铁匠 black smith 布莱克; 面包师 baker 贝克尔; 茅屋匠 thatcher 撒切尔

There is a refrigerator in the kitchen. .a refrigerator 是主语

The refrigerator is white.

It is on the right.

There is an electric cooker in the kitchen. .第一次提到某物时用a(辅音开音)或an(元音开音)表示泛指

The cooker is blue. 第二次提到该物时就要用the

It is on the left.

There is a table in the middle of the room. A table is in the middle of the room.

There is a bottle on the table. in the middle of the day/night in the middle of 时间或地点

The bottle is empty.

There is a cup on the table too.

The cup is clean.

Lesson 26 Where is it?




Where adv. 在哪里

in prep. 在…里
